Starting Kindy in 2025?
Jan 14, 2025
Do you have a little one starting Kindy in 2025?
Kindy can feel like a huge milestone. It doesn't matter if your doing it through Distance Education, Homeschooling or traditional kindy program, here are a few things to tick off your to do list to give them the best start.
Get a hearing check
Your local Child Health Nurse can do this for you (or simply book in at a hearing specialist centre when you go to town/city to collect shoes/bags/name tags/lunch boxes).
This is especially important if your child has had recurrent ear infections or identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Get their eyes tested
Your local optometrist can do this. If you do not have a permanent local optometrist, contact your local hospital as it’s very likely they have a visiting one you can book in and see.
Bonus - it’s free if you have a medicare card
With your little one starting Kindy in 2025, now is the perfect time to ensure they're set up for success with a few key health checks. By making sure their hearing and vision are working great you’re giving them the best possible start for their exciting new adventure!
Encourage their independence
They are still little and they still need you but there will be times where you won't be there to help them. So lets start practicing some skills at home to help set them up for success.
Opening and closing zips and containers.
Dressing and undressing themselves.
Following simple 2 step instructions eg: grab your socks and shoes; find a cup and go sit at the table.
Kids still need to be kids and enjoy their childhood so don't panic if your child can't read books or write the alphabet by the time kindy rolls around. These are all skills he/she can learn over the formal schooling years. The best way little humans learn is through play and interaction with people they love so talk to them, sing with them, messy play with them and let them be little becuase we all know how much it sucks to grow up and be adults 🤪 Let them play and they will pick up their new skills when they are developmentally ready.
Also, if you worried your child isn't ready for kindy or prep and not sure what your options are or want to talk to someone about a delayed entry to kindy or prep... Book a chat here with me. You don't have to make that decision alone
Just a reminder this was a taste tester (see what I did there), of a full Starting Solids Masterclass.
If you would love to watch the FULL masterclass simply click here (32 minutes for all of you who like to plan ahead).
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