Spotlight - 9months old is really important
Jan 01, 2025
Warning, this is an unpopular opinion....
9 months is really important!
Yet we don’t see it in our Primary Health Records or in the milestone recommendations from the GP, but as a holistic Maternal Child Health Nurse I think it is a really important time to check in with mummas.
Why Do I think this?
- We start them on solids at 6 months then expect that by 12 months they can eat everything on your plate. So its a great check in point to see how your little one is progressing through the stages and textures of food.
- 9 months most mums have a massive identity crisis at this stage due to all sorts of reasons like hormones, society pressures, work, life!
- Early identification is KEY (yes I am saying it again) and so many speech and language, gross motor (big muscle) and fine motor (small muscle) delays or differences can be spotted early and supported early for better outcomes
- Somewhere between 9-12 months your little one will develop separation anxiety from you (no matter what you parenting style has been for the last 9 months) and this makes for a really intensive parenting stage. You don't have to do this season on your own.
- Leaving our families unsupported for 6 months between milestone checks doesn’t sit well with me
So if you have a 9 month old little human who needs you lots at the moment, is smashing their solids (or having trouble with the stages) and is moving around (or not really wanting too) and you feel like you aren’t really sure who you are and whats going on, please know that I am here with you and for you.
Not just to sharing the glamorous side of parenting but to share and lighten the burden that can come with such a big responsibility of raising our next generation.
You are not alone! You do not have to do this on your own.
Second guessing yourself mumma? DON'T... You've got this! And if you need reminding of why you've got this, check out my Trusting Yourself In Motherhood Masterclass HERE
Want some 1:1 support to help you navigate this season? Book an appointment with me HERE
Just a reminder this was a taste tester (see what I did there),ย of a full Starting Solids Masterclass.ย
If you would love to watch the FULL masterclass simply click here (32 minutes for all of you who like to plan ahead).
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