Prioritising Self-Care & Well-Being in Motherhood
Oct 15, 2024
Let’s dive into something super important—something that, let’s be honest, we often shove to the very bottom of our endless to-do lists: self-care and well-being. I know, I know, when you’re constantly needed by everyone around you, it feels like taking time for yourself is a luxury you can’t afford.
But here’s the thing: You’re worth it, and you totally deserve it.
So, the big question is: How do you prioritize yourself? How do you put yourself first and ensure your needs are met?
You Deserve to Be Prioritised
The number one reason to prioritize yourself? Because you are worth it, plain and simple. I came across this quote recently that really hit home:
“Don’t encourage mothers to fill up their cup just so they can pour into others. Encourage them to fill their cup because they are worth it and they deserve it.”
I had to read that twice. For someone who’s rarely lost for words, I was momentarily speechless. I often say, “Fill your cup and prioritise yourself because you deserve the best version of you,” but I think this quote says it even better!
Putting Yourself First
How do we actually put ourselves first?
First and foremost: Put your health first. Get those health checks done—your regular checkups, annual reviews, the whole shebang. If you’re concerned about something, don’t brush it off. Just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s normal.
You know what I’m talking about - one in three women might wet themselves when they laugh, ride a horse, or try to jog somewhere. Guess what -just because it's common, doesn't mean its normal. Many of us deal with mood swings, exhaustion, or breakthrough bleeding during our cycle. Again, common, but not normal.
Look after your body and look after your health. You deserve that.
Secondly, regularly tune into what you need. Do you need rest? You don’t have to earn rest—you’re allowed to just rest. You have my full permission to kick back and relax. Do you need to eat, drink, get some sunshine, or move your body? And no, I’m not saying go for a 10k run. I’m not a runner—if you see me running, you better run too because something’s chasing me! Do you need a bit of care and compassion. Maybe you need it from someone else, but chances are, you also need it from yourself. We’re often our own worst critics, setting sky-high expectations for ourselves that we’d never place on anyone else.
So, give yourself a break, and be kind to you. If you’re having a hard day, think about what you’d say to a friend if they called you with the same struggles. Now, say that to yourself. You’ll be much better off for it.
Finding Everyday Moments to Refill Your Cup
Not all of us have the luxury of jetting off for a child-free weekend in the Bahamas to sip wine at a swim-up bar (though wouldn’t that be nice?). So, it’s important to find micro-moments in your everyday life to fill your cup.
Here are some of my favourite suggestions:
- Take three deep breaths. Just stop and breathe.
- Pour yourself a cold drink of water. Hydration is key.
- Make sure you eat—and not just the leftovers from the kids’ plates. Make yourself a nourishing meal, even if it means making two meals: one for them and one for you.
- Soak up some sunshine. Stand outside, let the sun kiss your face, and feel the grass under your feet.
- Do something you enjoy for five minutes. Just five minutes, that’s all you need.
- Learn to say no. It’s a complete sentence, and it’s okay to say it. When you say no to something, you’re saying yes to something else—usually to something that benefits you. So, if saying no means prioritizing yourself, then that’s perfectly okay.
I’d love to hear some of the everyday moments that you use to fill your cup up!
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