When Do I Introduce Water to my Toddler
Dec 03, 2024
Introducing water to your baby can feel like a milestone, so here's some information to get you started. Remember this is general information, if more specific help is needed please contact your chosen health professional - which FYI, can be me if you want ๐
Babies under 4 months do not need to be introduced to water.
They have all the hydration they require through breastmilk or from their formula. This is even true in summer when it’s really hot -no matter what Great Aunty Mavis tells you.
A great time to introduce water
A great time to introduce water in a cup to your baby is when you start to introduce solids. This can be done in an open cup or a drink bottle with a short straw. You might be wondering how on earth will a baby manage an open cup! -With your help, patience and with practice.
It’s actually easier for them to learn to drink out of a full cup of water than an almost empty one because they don’t have to tip it as far to get the desired effect. And just like introducing solids, introducing water is a fun learning and sensory experience for your little one so be prepared that they will be wet, they will spill it everywhere and they will dribble it all over themselves initially and that’s ok because they are learning through play.
Remember, introducing water is a gradual and playful process, so embrace the mess and enjoy the journey. With patience and practice, your baby will soon master this new skill, just like they did with everything else!
Hot tip:
- Be sure to clean your water bottles and straws regularly as they get pretty gross pretty quickly!
- sippy cups/water bottles with weighted straws are very handy dandy. It won't matter if your little one tips the bottle upside down the straw will always be in the water.
Want some tips on introducing solids - check out our Starting Solids Masterclass
Want some 1:1 support with solids and feeding your baby?
Book a One Concern Wonder Package HERE with me
Just a reminder this was a taste tester (see what I did there),ย of a full Starting Solids Masterclass.ย
If you would love to watch the FULL masterclass simply click here (32 minutes for all of you who like to plan ahead).
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