What's Normal When it comes to Crawling and Walking?
Dec 17, 2024
Are you familiar with the episode of Bluey titled "Baby Race"? Who can't sympathise with Chilli during this episode - we've all wondered what is normal and what's not with our little ones! Here's some information to help ease your worries, should you have them.
What's normal when it comes to crawling and walking?
Some babies will be walking/running at 9 months and some babies won’t start walking until 14 months. This is the range of “normal” for our growing little humans. You may see a family link with the timing of your baby walking. The key to your baby being able to walk, like all their other amazing skills, is that they are given the opportunity to practice it safety and that they have the foundations, gross and fine motor skills to do this.
These foundations come from lots of crawling and pulling themselves up on furniture. Before you little humans starts walking independently, you will notice they will start to pull themselves up on anything, whether its stable or not (cue lack of risk assessment they have). Then they will start to cruise along using the furniture for support. Then they will be adventurous and take a few independent steps!!!
So remember..
Just like in "Baby Race," every baby reaches milestones in their own time, and that's completely normal. Whether your little one starts walking early or takes their time, what's important is providing a safe space for them to practice and develop their skills. Celebrate each stage, knowing that they’ll get there when they’re ready!
Just a reminder this was a taste tester (see what I did there),ย of a full Starting Solids Masterclass.ย
If you would love to watch the FULL masterclass simply click here (32 minutes for all of you who like to plan ahead).
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