Community Support in Motherhood
Nov 05, 2024
How much community do you have around you? What does community support mean to you? Let’s face it, motherhood can be a wild ride. But guess what? We don’t have to do it alone.
The Power of Community
Community word that gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes to motherhood, it’s essential. Having a group of people who just get you, who understand the sleepless nights, the endless piles of laundry, and the sheer chaos that comes with raising tiny humans, is priceless.
Motherhood can sometimes feel isolating, especially when you’re up at 3 AM with a crying baby or dealing with a toddler tantrum in the middle of the grocery store. But knowing there’s a community out there—whether it’s online or in your neighbourhood—that you can turn to for advice, a laugh, or just a virtual hug, can make those tough moments a bit easier to bear.
So, if you haven’t already, find your people. Whether it’s a local mom group, an online community, or even just a couple of friends who are in the same stage of life as you, having that support system is a game changer. Also, never underestimate the seasoned mumma who has grown children, their compassion, experience and understanding can be priceless for our confidence and feeling connected.
Sharing the experience of motherhood.
Motherhood can feel like a wild ride! On one hand, you’re literally growing a human (superpower, anyone?), but on the other hand, it can feel like you’re constantly questioning yourself, wondering if you’re doing things right.
This is where your people come in, sharing your experiences, your wins and even your struggles help others feel less alone—and vice versa. There’s something incredibly validating about knowing that you’re not the only one who’s been there, that someone else has faced the same challenges and come out the other side.
It’s also a great reminder every mum’s path is different, and that’s okay. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mum, a working mum, a single mum, or somewhere in between, your experience is valid. It doesn’t need to be a competition of who has it harder... you ALL work hard at raising your kids and being the best mumma you can be and that’s a win to me.
Supporting each other
One of the most beautiful things about motherhood is the way we can support each other. Sharing what we’ve learned, offering a helping hand, and being there for one another without judgement! Creating and protecting a safe space for each other is so special and valuable. Because the truth is, when one of us thrives, we all do.
Sometimes, support looks like practical advice, like how to get a baby to sleep through the night or tips for managing the endless laundry. Other times, it’s just about listening, letting another mumma vent about her day without judgment. And sometimes, it’s about celebrating each other’s successes, no matter how small—because in motherhood, every win counts.
Supporting each other also means showing up, not just when things are going well, but especially when they’re not. We all have those days when we feel like we’re barely keeping it together. On those days, a kind word, a text message, or a coffee drop-off can make all the difference. On the days your feeling really like you have dropped all the balls and another mum looks like she has it all together, just remember, none of us have our shit together, some of us just hide it better than others.
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